We have seen calls from Trump for a complete and total shutdown of Muslims entering the US, and many of the major candidates like Cruz, Rubio, and Bush have said similar, even though slightly less radical statements on the matter.
It's time to sit down and realize why all of this is one big over-reaction and the fear that is being instilled in the American people is a false fear.

Bernie speaks the truth. Why should we hate over one billion people for the actions of a minority of that population? The Planned Parenthood shooter was a Christian, should America go to war against Christianity now too? The answer is a vibrant no to both questions.
So why are the GOP so scared? Carson literally admitted that he wouldn't be against killing innocent Muslim just because they might have one family member who is part of a terrorist organization.
Muslims live among us, in total, approximately 2.6 million in America as of 2010. If all Muslims were radical terrorist, realistically we would be screwed. But they're not.
There are even many Muslim-Americans who are respected by many Americans, for example, the basketball legend Shaq, legendary rapper Ice Cube, DJ Khaled, Snoop Dogg, Akon, Dave Chapelle, and more. Even the legendary Dr. Oz, who is watched all across America is Muslim.
Doesn't this look like a face you can trust?

Nerveless, all jokes aside, the fear that many Americans feel now is over the top. To prove it, let's look at the math.
In 2014, worldwide, deaths by terrorism was at 32,727.
Now, with that number in your head, recognize that 1.3 million people die each year from car accidents.
Numbers for how many members ISIS has ranges anywhere from 30,000 to 200,000, but let's presume the worse and say there are 200,000 Jihadist members in the world. This is less than .0002% of all the Muslims in the world. Now there are approximately 9 million Syrian refugees.
Now if America takes approximately 10,000 refugees into the country, there is a SLIGHT potential of about one or two terrorist to slip in.
The reality is that humans except risk on a daily basis because normally the reward is worth it. We step into a car knowing that 1.3 million people die on average in a car every year because the reward, getting somewhere faster, seems worth it to us. We have 10,000 people and take the risk that maybe one of them is a bad seed, but it's such a minute risk that we truly shouldn't be worried about it in the long run.
We can be saving people like this and gaining citizens who love and see America as the country that took them in from the brink.

Why? Cause they're humans and they're worth it.
Fear and hate led us to a World War before which resulted in far too many deaths, lets not repeat histories mistakes.
Dear Eugene,
ReplyDeleteI have a great respect for Bernie. No doubt he will make a great president. My choice over Hillary anyday. As you know Hillary created more problems for USA than it can handle (Libya jumps to my mind). I can appreciate that as a teenager, and a white kid (I guess) you may have the world view different than many people. You will no doubt see for yourself in your life time. I have seen the history for 50 pus years now, in the midst of eastern melting pot.
You may not like Trump- its difficult to like him anyways. But what he is saying is not all wrong. He never spoke of killing Muslims. He wanted a "temporary ban" of Muslim immigrants entering USA, till USA can realise what is going on. Believe me he is on dot 100% on this.
Almost 90% plus of refugees the world has seen i the last 30 years are Muslim by religion. Most of them have fled from their fellow Muslims to take refuge in nations like USA, Canada and Europe.
Muslim world (middle east) has been a cauldron of violence ever since Islam was born - nobody can deny this. Even their Caliphs who were supposed to be successors of Mohammed (and are their equivalent of Pope and King combined)mostly have been murdered by Muslims themselves. History of Islamic rule during Mohammed's time - you need to read Mohammed's history by eminent Muslim like Bhukari and Ibn Isaq to understand it. Islam is not just a religion. It is a constitution in itself. If it is a pure religion (which do not have dogmas controlling their followers) like Hinduism and Buddhism, nobody should be worried. Islam is more political in its constitution than religious. It is just Jewish and Christian faiths combined together and sewn up . Middle east has been in decay – culturally and economically due to their core religion. None the 55 plus Islamic nations are viable nations if they are having no Oil resources. The oil rich nations propagate hatred and violence through religious institutions and colleges (through Muslim Students unions)
USA has about 2.6 Million Muslims and about 3 million Hindus and 3 million Buddhists. But do you find any problems with Hindus/ Buddhists committing acts of violence citing their religion? Do you find them demanding special benefits which Muslim brethren gain in the west? When I say west it is USA , Canada and EU combined.
Islam has a pillar known as Jehad. Jehad is violent by nature (almost all of the time). Muslims who enter west need to denounce armed Jehad. Nobody will do this if asked to. Jehad is used against non-muslims to gain dominance and to make them second-class citizens- if they refuse to convert. This has happened all over Islamic world. If liberal people like you and Bernie allow it- it will happen in west also.
Just look at UK and France. Many areas of their capitals are no-go areas for even their police. No other people behave this way. There are Muslim rape gangs in UK and other EU nations- they exploit white girls of teen age and they think it is ok. Quran says it can treat non-muslim women in this fashion. Do you want this in USA?
I would love to see Bernie sanders as US president. But he should be more practical in his approach- and not an appeaser like so many leaders from Europe. Till he understands these basics, Trump is the safest candidate USA has.
Your entire 'comment' is absolute rubbish. Nothing you've mention is accurate or truthful with regards to Islam. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and consider you willfully ignorant on the topic. You're referencing the right-wings' propaganda version of Islam. Please do yourself and the rest of us the favor and either do your do diligence and research the topic using accurate scholarly sources (if you're college educated you'll know what that means) or kindly shut up.