Saturday, July 9, 2016

After Voting For Bernie, I Can't Go Back To Hillary

It was announced recently that Bernie Sanders will endorse Hillary Clinton at a Tuesday event, at least that's what all the sources say. I voted for Bernie in the North Carolina Primary and now there is pressure on me to vote for Clinton.

I'm going to be honest, I seriously considered Clinton after she was announced the winner, and I am still an undecided voter, but after everything that's happened, it just seems like a step backwards to vote for Clinton. Sure, the Democratic platform and her platform has changed a lot in Bernie's favor, but it's common knowledge that a platform isn't a binding agreement and they can go and do the exact opposite if they want to.

So what do I do now? Honestly, I don't know, and I doubt anyone really knows. It's still a long way to November, and a lot of other major factors have come into play.

There are two amazing 3rd Party Candidates, Gary Johnson and Jill Stein. Many people are pledging to "Write-In Bernie". Some Bernie supporters are even leaning towards Trump, but personally, that is something I can never do. And of course, some Bernie supporters are jumping on to the "I'm With Her" ship with Elizabeth Warren and President Obama.

Now, even though it seems likely at this point that Bernie will endorse Clinton, that doesn't have to mean much to me or any other Bernie supporter.

Bernie's endorsement of Clinton will make me turn my head, and I will listen if he does, but I plan to make an educated opinion, not let someone decide it for me.

Both 3rd party candidates are doing amazingly well for this early in the election, and many people are starting to realize that isn't normal.

Many people who were claiming Donald Trump is anti-establishment have now been silenced since Trump is taking big money from major donors now too.

It's just not looking good for the progressives when it comes to the two front runners.

It may seem like I'm ranting, but what else can I say? The Democrats won't let Bernie win. Clinton won't be indicted. Trump is Trump. And maybe we'll have a major 3rd party contender.

But throughout all this, I can't just quietly walk over to Hillary Clinton's team. I've heard arguments from both sides, and I'm still on the progressive side.


  1. As Lindsay Graham said when referring to Trump or Cruz that it was a choice between killed by a gun or poison. The choice between Clinton and Trump is similar - one will lead us into disastrous trade deals and war and never ending scandals and investigations and Trump will be divisive and embolden racists born from the trade policies of the Clintons that have marginalized and impoverished the working class. Luckily there is another choice - the Green Party. I'm done with the 2 party circus that is destroying our democracy, our future and our planet.

    1. Absolutely agree! But, let's wait and see what Bernie is up to first.

    2. Absolutely agree! But, let's wait and see what Bernie is up to first.

    3. If HRC is the Dem nominee, her choice of veep will have a huge impact on how I vote. Jeff Merkley would bring a lot of what I want to the table. He is also persistent, fearless and can reach across the aisle. He was the only senator to endorse Sanders.

    4. This is a Clinton ploy; created to build support for their candidate. When Hillary gets "negative press" mainstream news floods the market with old Bernie post, a wait and see response. Once she is "cleared" mainstream news deflect the findings and try to recapture the "momentum" Hillary had before going back to the campaign trail.Trolling allows them to capture the numbers necessary to maintain the momentum.

  2. You are throwing away your vote

    1. What an absurd notion! For a wagon full of sound reasons, I find both Trump/GOP and Clinton/DNC "morally repugnant" and "dangerous! Vote for the lesser evil? If I don't vote at all, I suppose THAT too would be considered throwing away my vote. The day after the convention, change parties to Independent or Green and put my energy into building a progressive party to resist the faux duopoly. Either Trump or Clinton will win. Maybe I'll write in myself for President and every down ticket candidate who is part of the status quo. With my vote, I can at least send a message that the status quo is non longer acceptable. Neither do I want it on my conscience nor in a public record that I voted for the lesser of two greater evils.

    2. I agree wholeheartedly. Will totally disappointed in Bernie if he endorses hillary. I read that a DNC rule is he can 'not' endorse a candidate or he will lose his super delegate standing and not be heard on the convention floor, that he is playing their game. I pray this is true. I have put my full faith into Bernie and will follow him to the end. I personally would like to see him run green or independent. But will write him in if I have to. I can not betray my concience by voting for the sum of the earth hillary and trump!#foreverbernie

    3. Actually this is a 100% valid notion. Due to America's love of first past the post (ultimately helps politicians who are willing to sell out) inherited from British, voting 3rd party ultimately leads to not only throwing the vote away, but also the infamous "spoiler vote." It is statistically proven, and anyone who is naive enough to think that voting 3rd party **IN THE CURRENT SYSTEM** is effective should read up on why it is fighting an impossible battle:

    4. You could say that but voting 3rd party has another valud reason - to get that party 15% of the vote to get federal funding. Fact is this year at least 20-25% of the vote is going third party. Clinton will be running a very close race with Trump and the attack ads are already running against her. If Bernie ran 3rd party with Stein I truly think he'd win in this election year. But, if he doesn't then 3rd parties are already going to spoil this election. The dems have themselves to blame for that by choosing the most unfavorable and unliked candidate. They suppressed the votes of independents and rigged the election for her coronation and now want to throw a fit if independents don't unify their party? If she's such a qualified candidate then Bernie or anyone else shouldn't matter because she'll win by a landslide right? No - and they know it. She needs us now but we don't need or want her.

    5. You could say that but voting 3rd party has another valud reason - to get that party 15% of the vote to get federal funding. Fact is this year at least 20-25% of the vote is going third party. Clinton will be running a very close race with Trump and the attack ads are already running against her. If Bernie ran 3rd party with Stein I truly think he'd win in this election year. But, if he doesn't then 3rd parties are already going to spoil this election. The dems have themselves to blame for that by choosing the most unfavorable and unliked candidate. They suppressed the votes of independents and rigged the election for her coronation and now want to throw a fit if independents don't unify their party? If she's such a qualified candidate then Bernie or anyone else shouldn't matter because she'll win by a landslide right? No - and they know it. She needs us now but we don't need or want her.

  3. If Bernie aint nominated ill chose trump

  4. Replies
    1. #SandersStein .. I live in a red state /Texas .. there aren't any Democrats on the down ticket anyway , so I don't have to vote at all really .. the repubs will win everything .. been a lifelong Dem .. the Dem Party went repub .. I will not , ever , vote for election fraud, money laundering , arming ISIS , helped write the TPP TRAITOR . WHATEVER ,3RD PARTY .. AND GREEN IS THERE .. WRITE IN BERNIE .. I FEEL IN MY HEART THAT IF THE BERNIE NATION PUSHES hard AT THE DNC CONVENTION .. lol, sorry caps .. HE WILL WIN .. It's not over until the convention. I don't know if I will vote at all if Green/write in is not available here .. but I will p.r. the heck of the Green Party and Bernie if he's there ,and donate ..

    2. Love that idea, stand united, show them our strength and resolve! Don't be intimidated by Clinton and trump! #Standwithbernie

  5. A "lesser evil" is still evil! I refuse to surrender my vote to party pressure. Bernie remains my choice for President.

  6. I will not vote for Hillary Clinton in my opinion she is not the right women for the president of the United States. SHe's is a lieing murder and dose not belong even still running. She is not who won the publics vote Bernie Sander did across the country. They are Forcing Her On us that's not a free election. I will only vote for Bernie Sander His name should be on the Ballot not her. He should not support her and should run as an independent. I will vote for Bernie Sander as an independent. Hands down Bernie is what this country needs right now.

  7. I am sorry, but not voting for Hillary if she is the Democrat nominee is really not a very smart thing to do. After wanting and campaigning for Bernie why would you vote for Trump? Not voting is just handing Don, the Con the Presidency and that will most definitely be a disaster for our country! I, an! Why? many of my I and many of my family and friends, have said we would Vote Blue, No Matter Who! Why? Because the Rethugs/Teathugs have done nothing but obstruct, investigate, obstruct, hold many hearings, obstruct, obstruct, obstruct using our $$$ and holding this country for hostage all because they hate that "black man in the White House"! So, no, I don't agree with you on not voting if Hillary gets the nod! Get out and vote - you have a civic duty to do so and a moral one to keep the White House away from Trump!

    1. #BERNIEORBUST WRITING HIM IN IF I HAVE TOO! I'm 60 yrs old and wish more than anything to take part in the convention on the 25th.

    2. #BERNIEORBUST WRITING HIM IN IF I HAVE TOO! I'm 60 yrs old and wish more than anything to take part in the convention on the 25th.

    3. You are naive and the reason this countries two party system is pretty much just a one party system. Don't vote for a class (RNC, DNC) for a candidate that have proven they will stand up for what you believe in. HRC hasn't EVER done that..she just goes where the money tells her to go. You don't have like it, but history has already shown us she does that (look on her stance on gay marriage). Wake up, stop believing that one side of the aisle will win. It won't they both lead to the same lake of fire.

  8. As a British immigrant to the US I paid very close attention to people lumping Trump together with the success of Brexit. I pegged the outcome of Brexit 100% wrong, I thought the UK would never vote to leave the EU. I was wrong.

    I've read all the opinions about how the UK and US demographics are not conducive to such a comparison between Brexit's success and Trump's, but thats not really the point for me: I got it massively wrong and it was a big shock. Could I also be wrong in thinking Clinton is a shoe in ?

    I keep reminding my friends that there is so much money riding on that ol' gal and that the prospect of a female president is so irresistible to some that there is no way she'd lose. I felt fairly secure in my protest vote for Bernie come November. Just like I felt secure in my protest vote for Rocky Anderson back in 2012.

    But things are changing and for me at least Brexit was a clear bell toll. Racists, bigots and ignorant morons are a substantial voting bloc on both sides of the Atlantic. Will I vote for Clinton, well, lets just say its a pretty good possibility given the recently illuminated possible alternative.

  9. In my view, Clinton and Trump are equally bad, but for very different reasons. That is what many, many people find confusing. Ironically, Trump might be better than Clinton on some issues, like trade. And he is probably far less of a hawk than Clinton is. And frankly, while Trump horrifies me, I have a different, albeit almost worse feeling about Hillary. It's the feeling you have when someone who pretends to be your ally and to advocate for you is actually your enemy. Trump is a known, outright enemy. Clinton is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Ugh.

    1. You hit the nail right on the head. Thanks Laura. Clinton is dangerous and is owned by the NWO. Trump, on he other hand is truly scary, especially with this pedophile charge hanging over his head. That right there, tells us he is probably part of the NWO as well.

  10. I concur with that analysis but what Bernie decides that should be my position. In this case, he knows better!

  11. I concur with that analysis but what Bernie decides that should be my position. In this case, he knows better!

  12. No endorsement working like hell for a progressive Democratic platform. Contested convention. Running for pressident still.

  13. No endorsement working like hell for a progressive Democratic platform. Contested convention. Running for pressident still.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.
