Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The Liberal Snowflake

If you or your loved ones voted for Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton in the primaries, and then Hillary Clinton and any other Democrats for office in the general election, you may have been nicknamed a “Liberal Snowflake”, or just “Snowflake”, by your fellow Americans who mainly voted for Donald Trump. For months now, conservatives have used this term to “insult” the millions of voters who voted for the left.

The metaphor of the Liberal Snowflake has gained prominence across conservative and “alt-right” platforms. Tomi Lahren and other well-known figures of the right have openly used the term.

Little do they know how spot on they are with this metaphor.

Right now, across this entire country, the millions of people who voted against Donald Trump are using their voices to protest in the streets, through social media, by calling their congressmen and congresswomen, and through many more outlets. The sense of outrage felt by all the “Liberal Snowflakes” is turning into a snowstorm, and what happens during a snowstorm: everything stops.

Trump and the GOP need to realize something, even though they may have won the presidency, the House, and the Senate, doesn’t mean that they’ve become the popular kids. Trump lost the popular vote to Clinton by approximately 2.8 million votes out of her 65.8 million votes. On top of that, about 4.4 million went to Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party, about 1.4 million went to Jill Stein of the Green Party, and about another million went towards write-ins.

The reality is, even if Trump and his supporters don’t want to believe it, the vast majority of Americans didn’t want Trump.

Trump has already gone back on his promise to “Drain the Swamp” by filling his cabinet with some of the swampiest swamp creatures he could find. His campaign slogan of “Lock Her Up” is already a thing of the past (which I’m not complaining about), and he’s already announced that he wants to make the American people pay for his wall (we don’t wanna), instead of Mexico.

This is only the beginning of a very long four years and the GOP Senators and Trump need to realize one thing: every time they try and do something that could hurt this country, there will be a massive snowstorm coming from the “Liberal Snowflakes”, and if they continue to push their hurtful agenda, there will be another, and another, until there is an avalanche roaring down Capitol Hill.

As for all the Liberal Snowflakes, to achieve this we must be united. For the past months we’ve been blaming: one another, the FBI, Russian Interference, Bernie Sanders, Wikileaks, the DNC, Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump himself for the election of Donald Trump and the loss of the House and Senate. It's time we stop playing the blame game and unite as one to fight for what we believe in.

Yes, we do have differing views, but unless we want to end up a pile of yellow snow on the first step on Capitol Hill, we must put aside some of our differing views and realize we have much more in common and fight for common goals, together. Hillary Clinton said “Stronger Together” and those words ring true now more than ever. We the Liberal Snowflakes can’t just be a bunch of small annoying snowfalls that slow down traffic, we need to be the snowstorm that shuts down the city and the avalanche that changes the shape of Washington.


  1. Thank you so much for this. You're spot on and I hope this spreads to the masses.

  2. Who is the snowflakiest snowflake of all? Maybe it’s not the most delicate, politically-correct progressive. Maybe the call is coming from inside the house. Maybe it’s President-elect Trump.
    He is, after all, a man who has yet to display an ability to laugh at himself. He is offended by, seemingly, everything anyone has ever said about him that is not sufficiently glowing. He is a man who cannot even bear the (really rather soft) satire slung his way by Saturday Night Live.
