Tuesday, May 17, 2016

What We Must Do After Oregon and Kentucky

So, May is over, the last two states voting in May, Kentucky and Oregon, have let their voices be heard. Kentucky was a close one, Hillary barely managed to pull a win over Bernie, winning by approximately .5% of the vote. Oregon was a different story, an expected win for Bernie, and he delivered a good strong victory. So,with May over, we still got some big game changers voting in June, so what must we do moving forward?

First things first, it's important to understand what these two states meant. Kentucky is considered a "red state", and it was expected for Hillary to do much better than she did there. By basically tying it up, Bernie pulled somewhat of an upset. Prior to the weeks before the Oregon primary, many mainstream news sites were reporting that polling showed Hillary beating out Bernie, luckily, that didn't happen.

June is in this order, the Virgin Island Caucus on the 4th, the Puerto Rico Caucus on the 5th, California, Montana, New Jersey, North Dakota, and South Dakota vote on the 7th, and finally DC votes on the 14th.

The goal here is for Bernie to go to the convention in Philadelphia with a contested convention. To do this, we must win the majority of the remaining contest and the key states of California and New Jersey.

We must pull out all the stops, we must make the people understand that Bernie stands for them, not Hillary.

First and foremost, when it comes down to Puerto Rico, we must understand that it was Wall Street that put them into their current financial crisis, and it is Hillary who supports Wall Street. I strongly believe that the people of Puerto Rico should vote for Bernie, and I hope that they see this too.

When it comes down to Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota, I believe that Bernie won't have much trouble winning here, but I urge all the voters in these states to make sure they get out there and vote and give Bernie a LANDSLIDE victory.

As for California, it is a huge state, and it's population and diversity makes it hard to predict who will come out on top. So, for California, get out there and phone bank, lets get every single Bernie supporter in California to the polls, and hell, lets turn a few skeptics into believers.

New Jersey is a closed primary, and as we all know, Hillary tends to do better in closed primaries. With this said, it doesn't mean that Bernie can't win. Phone bank and canvas to the extreme in New Jersey. The people who are "Born To Run" must run down the polls and vote for Bernie, and if they do so, I believe we can have a strong showing in New Jersey and hopefully take the win.

At the end of the day, it comes down to what we can do. Donate, phone bank, canvas, call some friends and family that live in these states and convince them to vote for Bernie. Of course, keep being outspoken on social media too. Don't let them silence you. It is essential that we win if we want a contested convention. It isn't easy, and it hasn't been easy since the start. It's gotten harder and harder, but we can do this together.


  1. They are still rigging the polls. Figures changed during live poll numbers for Kentucky & Bernie should have won by a landslide in Oregon. No way it was that close. Hill camp will rig California.

    1. There are at least two forms of rigging. One is the slower systematic rigging related to designing primaries that exclude blocks of voters. Another form is the ballot counting manipulations that alter numbers from the point of voting to the posted final results. The sentiment for Bernie here in Oregon is very strong, but it also looks like some of that systematic rigging has dampened what would have been a yuuge landslide. I suspect we have also seen some of the secondary form, altering vote counts. Shame on this party; how it uses the word 'democracy' in its name is beyond comprehension.

  2. They are still rigging the polls. Figures changed during live poll numbers for Kentucky & Bernie should have won by a landslide in Oregon. No way it was that close. Hill camp will rig California.

  3. They are still rigging the polls. Figures changed during live poll numbers for Kentucky & Bernie should have won by a landslide in Oregon. No way it was that close. Hill camp will rig California.

  4. as a newjersain registered democrat im voting for Bernie and his supporter. Hispanics for Bernie.
