Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Who I Am

My name is Ugene (really Eugene), I am currently a freshman in college preparing to start my second semester. I will be using this blog to write posts of many different styles about politics and my stance on the issues and candidates. I am currently supporting Bernie Sanders for POTUS in 2016 and do so by talking to my friends about him, supporting him through Twitter though my account (@TeenForBernie), and every now and then getting into debates with people who support other candidates; online or in person.

I grew up in a generally Democratic family, my parents came to the US as immigrants from Russia in 1992, and a few years later I became the first member of my family to be born on American soil. I didn't start paying attention to politics until the 2008 election, and in that I, as my parents, supported Obama for POTUS. At the time I was very young, but in the next few years I began reading more articles and taking more classes that would talk about the in-depth history of the United States and it's complex political system. By the 2012 election I was truly thinking for myself and I was enthralled by the process. I would check up on the polls everyday to see which candidate was leading. Anyway, after some consideration, I thought Obama should be given a second term, and my wish was granted, and his second term ended up considerably better on an economical scale than his first.

And now we're here, 2015, and almost 2016. I now have the opportunity to take my voice and cast my ballot for a president. When the first wave of candidates began showing up I began looking into them and all their policies, and I was truthfully worried. I didn't really trust Hillary, even though her policies looked decent on the outside. There was so many GOP candidates, but I still sat down and looked through all the big ones (Bush, Cruz, Rubio). At the end, I didn't know who I supported, because to me they all seemed the same, just spinning their own little webs.

That all changed in mid-July when I heard about this small candidate named Bernie Sanders. I had looked into him earlier shortly and he seemed like a good guy, but I didn't originally expect him to get big him, because I honestly thought there was no one except for maybe Biden that could make waves against Hillary. But there he was, actually making waves. I was very busy though in the summer preparing for college, so I didn't really start looking into him until college started in September, and right there, I fell in love.

His polls were similar to what Obama had against Hillary in 2008 and Obama was the underdog then too, and he ended up on top. Since then I have been supporting Bernie as much as I could. I managed to donate some money towards his campaign, I made a Twitter account to support him, and of course I have spoken with many people about him.

Anyway, I will be using this blog to write articles about Bernie and the rest of the candidates and the issues in this election. Some posts will be about the issues in general. but I will write about hot news topics if they come my way.

I hope everyone who's reading this now can stick with me through this journey and help support me as well. Feel The Bern! 


  1. #Millennials #ThinkBig Every seat in Congress & presidency too stoke the fires of #PoliticalRevolution #EnoughisEnough #FeelTheBern

    1. What a great article! Awesome political engagement, keep them coming #FeeltheBern

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
