I'm 19 years old, I'm a freshman in college. I have never shot a real gun. I have never seen gun violence occur with my own eyes, but I have seen the impact it's had across the nation.
I believe in the Constitution on the United States. The 2nd Amendment is an important part of it, but like Obama said, there are restrictions to each one. The 1st Amendment doesn't allow you to yell "fire" in a crowded theater, because let's be real, it's common sense. So why are we so far behind on common sense gun laws? Why is that someone with a criminal record can go to a gun show and buy a dangerous weapon without a background check and then the next day go and commit a crime with that weapon. Why is it that we make sure our children can't open a bottle of medicine but they can still pull a trigger on a gun?
The answer is an irrational fear that many people have that the Democratic party is coming after their guns. Obama doesn't want to take away your guns, he wants people that should own guns to be able to own guns safely, and he wants people that shouldn't own guns to not own guns. It's that simple.
The NRA lobbies constantly to the GOP and the Republican Senate and House keep overturning basic gun safety laws while people that shouldn't have guns in the first place go and commit unspeakable atrocities.
Why can terrorist get their hands on guns when they're not allowed to get on a plane? Why is it that a mentally unstable person can build up an arsenal and then go shoot up a school? And why the day after there is nothing more than a moment of silence for the dead and then Republicans go right back to blocking any legislation that might prevent things like this from happening again?
It's an endless process, I'm sick of it. I don't want my future children and my brother's children and my younger family to go walk the street knowing that a person who has a history of violence or terrorism could buy a gun and use it on them or their friends.
Republicans scream and demonize the terrorist across the Atlantic while they are the enablers back home.
Bernie supports Obama in the changes he wants to bring. They are a step forward to end gun violence. Obama cried during his speech. He cried for the children. Let's turn those tears into real change. It's time for our children to stop dying at the hands of people who shouldn't even have guns. It's time for common sense gun laws.

Totally agree! Common sense America, wake up. NRA should not be allowed to own this country
ReplyDeleteTotally agree! Common sense America, wake up. NRA should not be allowed to own this country