Illegal immigration is a clear problem, millions of people living here illegally, not paying taxes, and taking low wage jobs that pay under the table so that they can stay under the radar. Many have children here, and the children are citizens, while the parents are still considered illegal.
It is long overdue for a change in our immigration process, it shouldn't be easier to get into the country illegally then it is to get here legally.
And no, we aren't going to be forcing Mexico to build a wall across our border; sorry Mr. Trump.
As president, I will fight for comprehensive immigration reform that provides a roadmap to citizenship for the 11 million aspiring Americans living in this country. But I will not wait for Congress to act. I will take executive action to accomplish what Congress has failed to do and build upon President Obama’s executive orders to unite families.
The first priority would be to deal with the illegal immigrants we already have here in our country, who walk among us as fellow Americans. We must take these people and bring them on a road to citizenship, so that they can start paying their fair taxes and be given the same rights as every other American citizen. It is by far, much cheaper to make these people legal citizens, then it is to send endless raids in an attempt to deport these hard-working people to countries controlled by kingpins and with high poverty rates.~ Bernie Sanders
It is time to be humane to the millions of people living in the shadows of America, we will not separate parents from children. We will not send them back to send a message. We will not build a great big wall for Humpty Dumpty to sit on.
We will take care of the people here, and then we will bring comprehensive and progressive immigration reform, to make it easier for people to come legally then illegally.
This is Bernie Sanders' plan simplified, and it will help bring America into a new era of prosperity and cast millions out of the shadow and into the American Dream.
Keep families together. Send them all back
DeleteThey pulled a raid on a chicken processing plant near my town and arrested both Dad's AND Mom's and their kids got home from school and the doors of home were locked and these kids didn't know what to do. After dark some child welfare people were notified and went around trying to find all these abandoned kids. Totally wrong! Disgusting.
ReplyDeleteThe send them back commentor^^ you do realize we lose 11 mil consumers that will tank the economy right? It's an ethical, moral issue but also an economic reality. Most pay into social security with Doctored SS#s for benefits they will never receive. That benefits the SSA. If you don't like the country that stands for diversity,equality and freedom, why are you here? Everyone except native Americans and indigenous Mexicans are immigrants.