Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Bernie On Women's Rights

Many feminist, not all, but many have long argued that Hillary Clinton has a better stance on women's rights, simply because she is a women. Granted, Clinton does have a strong stance on women's rights, but Bernie Sanders has one that any feminist should like.

Bernie has stood up for women's rights for decades now, even when Hillary Clinton stood quietly. Even though Clinton seems like an avid feminist now, she wasn't always as vocal. She never seemed to be vocal on many social topics until recently though, including LGBT rights, and minority rights in general.

Bernie believes in paid family leave, so that if a women were to have a child she wouldn't lose her job over it. He also wants to move forward to guarantee that women get equal pay for equal work.

His stance on abortion has always been pretty clear, he believes the women's body should not be controlled by the government and religion shouldn't be used to control women either. He wants to continue government funding of Planned Parenthood, and even boost it from where it is now. Even though many Republicans try to stand against it, Bernie will adamantly fight for it, even though Planned Parenthood made the mistake of ignoring him and endorsing Hillary. 

He has been fighting for women's right so intensely, a current Clinton supporter, Gloria Steinem, a famed feminist activist and writer, named him an honorary women in 1996.

Even though she hypocritically called him out and claims she supports Clinton, she openly supported his campaign for the House in 1996.

Many other things that he wants to do, such as expand Social Security and create Universal Healthcare will also be major benefits for women, young and old, amongst many more things.

The moral of this story is simple, Bernie will continue fighting for women's rights as a President, just like he has been doing all these decades. Just because he's not a women doesn't mean he doesn't understand to some extent the struggle they go through. He wants to end that struggle and bring about a more free and equal world. And this, this is why women should vote for Bernie Sanders amongst many other things.

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