In 2010, the United States as a nation estimated that we
released 17.56 metric tons of CO2, better known as carbon dioxide, into the
atmosphere per capita. In 2014, the EPA announced that CO2 was approximately
80% of all the greenhouse gases coming from the US.
The US has begun to take steps, Obama has made strides in
his presidency, Hillary Clinton has talked about her bold plan to fight climate
change, and Bernie Sanders has even announced his plan to place a tax on carbon
With temperatures rising, sea level rising, and many species
of animal being threatened by climate change, we must take action. Many
Republican candidates ignore or completely deny the overwhelming scientific
evidence proving that climate change is happening, and it is caused by humans.
Donald Trump simply said he wants “clean air”, but claims it would be nicer if
the planet was warmer. Ted Cruz would rather make the desert glow than hurt big

Now, Hillary Clinton, the current front-runner for the
Democratic Party, spoke boldly about her plans to combat climate change yet, still takes money from big oil and coal, some of the main forces creating
climate change.
This leaves us at a crossroad, almost every candidate in the
running doesn’t look particularly likely to take drastic action. Bernie Sanders
seems to be the best candidate for the environment. The question is, will it
Bernie plans to place a tax on carbon emission and begin to
transport the United States into a more renewable energy source such as wind,
solar, etc. A tax on carbon emission will give big oil and coal reasons to find
ways to reduce their carbon footprint. People are known to be very motivated
when they want to spend less money, and a tax on emission might be the
necessary motivation to get people to do something.
Bernie will listen to what the scientist of the world have
to say. He understands the planet is sick and he will do everything he can to
make it better. We must leave a planet suitable for life for the future
generations; Sanders understands this.
With a reason to lower carbon emission, and a president who
wants to convert the US into a new age of energy, electing Bernie Sanders might
just be the best thing the environment can get.

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