California, a state with a population of 38.8 million as of the last census, will be voting on June 7th. As always, polls show the odds stacked against Bernie, but as we well know, the odds have been stacked against him since the start and he's been turning those odds in his favor. This time though, we must take some steps to help ensure a Bernie victory.
First and foremost, you can register to vote as late as May 23rd, which is two days from when I'm writing this. So if you live in California, go register! If you don't live in California, phone bank and get people who aren't registered to go do so!
Second, after May 23rd, be sure you go out there and phone bank, canvas, and continue to be active on social media. There are many things that can go wrong in a state of this size. One of them can occur at the polls.

If you're voting in California, make sure that your vote counts. Don't let someone at the polls take your vote away. Of course, if you're going to the poll, make sure that the people at the ballot don't know who you're supporting. Bias is rampant and we never know how far it can reach.
Third, we have to understand that Bernie needs donations to continue a successful campaign. Bernie has beaten out Hillary in donations for the fourth straight month, but that doesn't mean he has the funds he needs. Hillary is rich and has Super PAC donors who provide plenty of money. Bernie gets 99.99% of his donations from us, the people. So if you truly want a Bernie presidency, go donate a little bit, ten dollars, twenty, maybe twenty-seven dollars if you're feeling like living up to the stereotype
Donate here:
My friends. We can make this a reality. Don't give up. Don't let the media tell you it's over. And don't let Hillary Clinton tell you that your vote doesn't matter. It's not over till the last vote is cast and the lights at the convention turn off.
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