Let's start with Donald Trump, the most controversial candidate, popular because he seems to have no ties to establishment politics and simply because he is the complete outsider in this race. Say what you want about Hillary, "she's an outsider because she's a women", or what you want about Bernie, "he's an outsider because he's Jewish and a Socialist", Trump is the true outsider. Both Bernie and Hillary have spent years in DC fighting for what they think is right. Trump has been on the outside, building a brand and an image through his business.
This brand has turned into something that signifies power and wealth, and this brand has basically guaranteed him the Republican nomination. Here's the thing about Trump, sure, he's somewhat of an outsider, but can he truly be trusted? Not so long ago he was endorsed by one of America's greatest enemies, North Korea, and not too long before that, he announced that the drought in California was a hoax. I could go on forever listing all of Trump's flaws, but you get the point.
Trump wants to "Make America Great Again", but what does that mean? When was America truly great, in the 1950s? After World War 2 when women, people of color, and members of the LGBTQ community were pushed down by society? The reality is, we can go back to any time and find problems with our social and economical values. We don't need to make America "Great Again", we need to make it better than it ever was before.
President Obama has led us in that direction. Obamacare was a step forward in Healthcare reform, legalizing gay marriage was a huge social step forward, and many other things have been done to improve our country. Trump will send us in a backwards spiral, which is why, under no condition, can we allow Trump to become President. I don't want to see the soul of America become dirty through hate and backwards ideals, and I hope as November gets closer, more and more people will see that too.
As for Hillary Clinton, first I have to say, I'm a Bernie supporter, I voted for him and I will support him until the end, win or lose; but it's important to realize the potential that comes with Hillary. Sure, lots of people hate her because of her scandals, but we have to realize that Trump is way worse, hell, recent reports of Trump University have shown that it was simply a scam. Trump is stacked with lawsuits.
So yes, Hillary does have a lot of experience, and it could work in her advantage, as it clearly has been doing so. She has a lot of hold in the Democratic Party as the former First Lady and Secretary of State, but no one is ever completely immune to the law.
Granted, if things go from bad to worse for Hillary with the email scandal, it may permanently put her campaign in the ground; the question remains, will it be soon enough or too late? If the email scandals catches up with her late, like say September or October, the Democratic party is simply screwed. It will lead to a near certain Republican victory and she'll fall right into the hands of the Republican Nominee (most likely Trump). If it catches up to her before the convention, maybe then we'll have a chance and Bernie will be the candidate. Of course, there's no guarantee that the email scandal will ever do anything other than stain her reputation, and we might still see a Hillary Clinton Presidency.
Still, Hillary isn't pure, and as much as she tries to connect with the American people, she simply isn't one of us. She has played a dangerous game and has gotten away with it for a long time, and even though it's not up to me to be the judge, jury, and executioner; someone, somewhere, will have to step up and say if there's something wrong or not and actually lay a firm hand down and clean up the mess.
As for Bernie, well, we know the chances are slim, but supporters can hope he wins. Super Delegates can move during the convention, and depending on the outcome of the remaining contest in June, he still has a slim chance of winning.
His track record is practically clean compared to Trump and Hillary, and even though it looks like he can't win, there's always a chance. And yes, I know some people think his ideas are radical, but there's a reason the youth support him, and that's because they understand he wants to build a better world for us. Ask yourself, do you really think Trump cares about your kids and your kid's future? Maybe Hillary cares a bit about the future, but how much does she care about that poor family's future over the future of the children of multi-millionaire Wall Street brokers?
So what does this have to do with everything? Trump is simply a no, and Hillary might not even have the chance to help America if things go wrong for her, and Bernie's chance of becoming the nominee are slim, if not impossible. I do hope he can win, but again, that's not what I came here to talk about.
We have to build a better America together. I don't care if you're a Democrat, a Republican, or an Independent, we have to realize that we must work together to create an America that works for everyone and leads us forward into a better future. There was a time when America could boast that it was Number 1. Right now the only thing we can boast as Number 1 is the largest prison population. We have to change our focus. Focus on making sure our kids can go to college instead of jail (Also, Donate College Fund Money To A Dear Friend of Mine Who Lost His Father Recently HERE! All Donations Are Greatly Appreciated!). Focus on fixing our infrastructure instead of going into endless wars. Focus on things that help all of us, instead of a select few.
We all have different views on how things need to get done, but I ask you, the voters, I am 19, whoever you vote into office will effect my future, my brothers, my cousins, the future of my future children and nephews and nieces. If you're a 55 year old man voting for Trump, all I can say is you're throwing America into the fire-pit and leaving me and people my age to put out the fire. We have to do everything we can to move America forward, we can't stay stagnant, and we can't go backwards. Let's focus on making the best America we can make for everyone.
Again, if you'd like to donate to help a smart, young college student get through a tragedy and get through college, donate HERE
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