Thursday, May 26, 2016

Bernie vs. Trump! It's On!

It's official. Trump has announced on Kimmel that he is willing to debate Bernie prior to the California Primary on June 7th!
I'm excited, and I promise you, so is America. Hillary Clinton backed out of a debate with Bernie before the 7th, and now it seems likely that Trump and Bernie will debate on the largest national stage. With all the excitement behind it, this might even end up being the most watched debate this primary season, maybe even in history. 

Trump is controversial, Bernie is controversial, so what could go wrong? Hillary's momentum could go wrong. 

All of California will be watching Bernie and Trump, while Hillary will be off in the shadows. It's nothing but good publicity (plus the money goes to charity according to Trump), and it can prove that Bernie is the better and bolder candidate. 

So my friends, let's hope Trump keeps his word, and soon we shall have one more debate that we've all been waiting for!